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Here you'll find everything you need to build on the EasyStore API.

In this section, you'll find:

Getting started

With EasyStore API, you can create powerful commerce solution for a variety of purposes, including integrating your service with EasyStore, customizing EasyStore's merchant store, and more.

This guide describes the basic steps for getting started with EasyStore's API: signing up for a EasyStore Partner account, creating development store where you can test your app, generating the required API credentials, and making API calls to EasyStore against a single shop.

Creating an EasyStore Partner account

The EasyStore Partners program includes developers, designers, affilates, and marketing experts who build on the EasyStore platform. You can sign up for a free EasyStore Partner account by registering here.

From your Partner Dashboard, you can create development stores. Development stores provide an area for app development where you can create data to test out your app.

Develop an EasyStore App

Explore more in-depth documentation and related content on 📕 EasyStore App.

In this guide, we will cover the essential steps and considerations for creating a robust EasyStore App integration.

Whether you're developing a new app or enhancing an existing one, these instructions will help you navigate the integration process efficiently.
